Tuesday 29 November 2011

Topbox (Birchbox for Canadians)

If it weren't for my lovely friend I would have be hugely disappointed when I found out that Birchbox only ships in the States.
HOWEVER, she discovered Topbox - Canada's answer to Birchbox (to be honest Birchbox owns them).
Same price, same quality product
I'm in!


What is Birchbox you say? I didn't know either. I may be behind the times but the discovery of this little gem is making it hard to resist!
Birchbox is a website you can not only shop on, but subscribe too (sorta like a magazine subscription!). They have a few different options but basically you receive a box of high end product samples each month right at your door! Exciting, I know.
Not only would this be a great indulgence for you self - but why not purchase a gift subscription and be the best presenter giver this Christmas? (Oh, and by the way they ship for free!)
What do you think of Birchbox?

Sunday 27 November 2011

Where Are You Christmas ?

Christmas is my favourite time of year - but this year I've been a little out of sync with my usual Christmas-y, optimistic self. My family was here this weekend and we all decorated our apartment; nothing like some Christmas lights to lift your spirits right? Well yes they make me happy but I still haven't been feeling 100% - until about 5 minutes ago.
Before I tell you why, let me explain something about my Mom (and myself to be honest). She still gives Santa presents (I should also tell you I am almost 22 years old) and insists on referring to Santa as someone other than herself - much to my boyfriends reminders that Santa doesn't exist.
My Mom is the ultimate Santa believer and even though I forgot, so am I. Tonight, I read a blog post (find it here) that put the Christmas and Santa love back into my heart.
You can read the blog post for further detail, but to be short; a mother was asked by her daughter if she was really Santa - and this is what the mother wrote.

Dear Lucy,
Thank you for your letter. You asked a very good question: “Are you Santa?”
I know you’ve wanted the answer to this question for a long time, and I’ve had to give it careful thought to know just what to say.
The answer is no. I am not Santa. There is no one Santa.
I am the person who fills your stockings with presents, though. I also choose and wrap the presents under the tree, the same way my mom did for me, and the same way her mom did for her. (And yes, Daddy helps, too.)
I imagine you will someday do this for your children, and I know you will love seeing them run down the stairs on Christmas morning. You will love seeing them sit under the tree, their small faces lit with Christmas lights.
This won’t make you Santa, though.
Santa is bigger than any person, and his work has gone on longer than any of us have lived. What he does is simple, but it is powerful. He teaches children how to have belief in something they can’t see or touch.
It’s a big job, and it’s an important one. Throughout your life, you will need this capacity to believe: in yourself, in your friends, in your talents and in your family. You’ll also need to believe in things you can’t measure or even hold in your hand. Here, I am talking about love, that great power that will light your life from the inside out, even during its darkest, coldest moments.
Santa is a teacher, and I have been his student, and now you know the secret of how he gets down all those chimneys on Christmas Eve: he has help from all the people whose hearts he’s filled with joy.
With full hearts, people like Daddy and me take our turns helping Santa do a job that would otherwise be impossible.
So, no. I am not Santa. Santa is love and magic and hope and happiness. I’m on his team, and now you are, too.
I love you and I always will.

In these wonderful words I found Christmas again, and reaffirmed why my Mom, and myself will always believe in Santa Claus. 

Thursday 24 November 2011


Okay so it's been awhile since I've posted on here - school is just so much of my life right now (well it basically is my life). I can just never find the time to post anything!
But I found something today that I had to pass on to anyone reading who has been dying to have something on a tee or tank and hasn't been able to find it.
This is a great blog all together but this particular post was ingenious!

You start by buying a white plain tee, tank, dress - whatever it is you want! Then find yourself some Elmer's Blue Gel Glue and some fabric dye.
Now wet your tank, tee - whatever - with  cold water and then stretch the shirt over something like plastic (cutting board, t-shirt board etc.)
Now take your glue and draw or write whatever your heart desires!
For several hours let it dry completely (this is emphasized) - now to dye your shirt!
Mix your dye with cool water in a plastic tub and (using gloves) place your shirt in - when you have the colour you want (it will be darker when wet) remove and let dry.
Once dry and before washing it in a machine you want to soak it in soapy water to remove excess glue.
Once the washing process is complete - voila! You have your very own original shirt.

This is probably the most cool DIY clothing tutorial I have seen yet! (to check out pictures head over to Ucreate to see a much more comprehensive explanation)
This is a must do as I have been desperate to find a tank/tee with this on it - now all I have to do is make it!
What are you going to make?

Monday 7 November 2011

Recycle Your Leftover Hallowe'en Candy

I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who didn't eat all my Hallowe'en candy when I was a kid - or at least I didn't eat it all before the New Year came around. Growing up in a small community where everybody literally knows everybody (yeah, that actually happens) you tend to come home with more candy than one person needs in a 10 year period. I never trick-or-treated with those cute little plastic pumpkin buckets or printed bags - we trick-or-treated with pillow cases (emphasizing the plural). So, yes inevitably (even when your siblings, friends and parents help you, whether you know it or not) all the candy just doesn't get eaten. Now leaves the question, what do I do with it all? I know a few parents who would take it into work with them to pass out to colleges - but there are much more creative ways to make sure this candy get's used up!
I read a great article on a blog called Small Kitchen College and they have given us 7 yummy ways to make your candy even better before it goes stale (or you give it away).

1. Chocolate Bark

2. Monster Cookies

3. Blondies

4. Pancakes

5. Stuffed Cupcakes

6. Homemade Butterfingers

7. Incentives

 I will leave it to the expert to explain these delicious ideas, so click the link to the Small Kitchen College and start recycling that candy

Saturday 5 November 2011

The Weekend

A sigh of relief for most people, two whole days off work!
However this is not the case for me unfortunately - 3 midterms back to back in a week means there will be lots of sighing but no relief. Well except for tonight - my boyfriend and I are going to see Just For Laughs: British Edition at the National Arts Center (his early birthday present from his parents). So date night it is! I suppose in doing this there may be a little bit of relief from the endless studying I have been doing all semester long.

My best advice for a student?

Thursday 3 November 2011

Movember Looms

 The mustaches of November are not the only thing coming out to greet me; cold weather, snow and Christmas adverts - of course all of this I can handle and I welcome ANYTHING to do with Christmas (yes I am a Christmas nut, expect a lot of themed posts)
However November also mean stress, assignments, never ending studying and exams. This semester (since the middle of October to the end of November) I will have had 8 midterms. This means I have had no life .. I've been to a pub once this semester.
This leaves me torn in my feelings for November, I love everything about this season but I hate everything about studying.
Okay maybe I do love November, but studying just gets in my way. There are good things happening this month, like the last Harry Potter DVD coming out - and some excellent looking films hitting the cinema. November is also a good month because my friend and I are going to see Mamma Mia on broadway and for my boyfriends birthday his parents got us tickets to go see the Just For Laughs UK Edition Tour. That tied in with Christmas prep I guess November is alright after all, as long as I don't fail any exams!
Back to movember, I thought I would give you some mustache links to follow this month - today I have been checking out Etsy and have found some great products for our mustache filled month.

A comfy pair of shoes

Mo-up your furry friend with these

Drink your tea in movember fashion with this

What guy doesn't like a good cotton t-shirt?

I dream of mustache .. pillows!

Trending: BIG rings

Keep your coffee cozy

Throwing any mustache parties with cupcakes?

A cute little robot

A cute tee for the ladies ..

oh! and another

A Little Love to Finish Off the Autumn

I thought I would share with you some photos my cousin took of my boyfriend and I over thanksgiving weekend. She is almost finished school for advertising and has started her own business in photography and design. Find her here for photography and here for her design work - I also her have her blog posted off the the left.


Monday 31 October 2011

Deals Anyone?

Alright so I'll admit it now, I am a huge shop-a-holic - my boyfriend and my bank account hate it, but it is probably one of my favourite things to do.
I have been checking out the Old Navy website and found some super cute pieces for super great deals (this is something that's important to a student).

Cute Winter Button-Up Sweater  
Sequin Accented Jumper
Shawl Wrap
Sequin Tank
Boat Neck Top
Hope you enjoy!

Happy Hallowe'en

Thought this picture of a past cookie myself and my sisters made would be appropriate to start off this pumpkin, candy eating holiday post. I spent last night with a friend, we ate a load of candy and studied - yes, this is what my Hallowe'en has become, stuffing my face and trying to remember what the difference between qualitative and quantitative research is.
I didn't partake in ANY partying, or even bother buying a costume. I don't even have to decorate because we live in an apartment building and children aren't allowed to trick or treat in it - perhaps if children were allowed and I wasn't drowning in exams, I would put forth some effort. My lack of Hallowe'en enthusiasm is not because I hate it.
It's quite good fun actually, who doesn't thoroughly enjoy getting free candy for putting on a costume?
On my first Hallowe'en my parents let me pick my costume, I was three, and I was Batman - unfortunately I don't have any of these pictures on my computer - but just less than 20 years later I was Batman again!
My more recent Batman costume was made by yours truly, and completed with pleather tights and black boots - much better then the Batman dress that accentuated your boobs and exposed your ass (last time I checked Batman didn't wear a dress).
Have you ever made a costume, did you have a favourite?

Sunday 30 October 2011

Hey Ladies .. Wanna Know a Secret?

Have you been trying to find natural feather hair extensions, and found yourself not wanting to pay upwards of $20 for them?
Well if you're still looking to compliment your fall wardrobe click here to go to this fab Etsy store, where they have clearance feathers for not much more than $10 after shipping!
Exciting, right?

Past Adventures

I thought I would share some of my favourite pictures from my trip with my boyfriend over the summer of  2010. We spent 4 months in England, a week in Paris and a week in St.Gilgen Austria (my favourite place, I could have stayed there forever)

Big Ben, London

The London Eye, London
Effiel Tower, Paris (edited in Nik HDR Efex)

View of the Schafberg Mountain, St.Gilgen, Austria

Wednesday 26 October 2011

A Post About Books

Who isn't a fan of Sex and The City? And even though the second movie was a bit over done - the entire series and the first movie have always been a favourite. I have been in the reading mood lately and thought I might check out "Love Letters of Great Men" - (THAT book ^) or rather, the book that Carrie reads in the first movie.
UNFORTUNATELY someone thought it would be a great idea to put a book title in a movie that doesn't exist. Well, now it does, but that's because after the out cry for a book that doesn't exist, a few authors published it. I am so incredibly disappointed by this! Now I'm not saying that these love letters don't exist, because they do - just not an authentic book that encompasses them.
The one I am considering reading can be found here

Sticking with the book topic ..
I just finished reading a book called 'Lullabies for Little Criminals' which tells the story of a little girl growing up without a mother, and a heroin addict for a father. It was brutally honest and incredibly sad, but incredibly good.
Find it Here

Setting aside my obsession with the Harry Potter series and the Twilight Saga (yep I am that person) I think my recommendation to you will be a book I read this summer. A book that was so good that I literally could not put it down - I was reading it at work when my boss wasn't looking!
This is almost more than a recommendation, this is me TELLING you to read The Help. I know it was made into a movie and many of you will say well 'I don't read', but I'm sure you actually can process words in your brain - and assuming this, you can and need to read this book.
Now go to the library OR find it HERE !

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Saying Hello!

Well, I ditched my Tumblr blog - too many children wining about not being thin enough and criticizing each other . When I realized that all the good blogs I actually read are on blogspot, I though I'd better make a move.
I also moved so I could start a different kind of blog, rather than re-blogging a load of useless pictures I want to blog about anything I happen to like (so expect that's what you'll find here).
If you're wondering about me - I'm a psychology student at Carleton University. I live with my boyfriend in a less than glamorous apartment, and love fashion, art, music and photography. I take pictures as a hobby when I have time, but reading text books mostly occupies my time.
My boyfriend is from England - and yes, has the accent that goes with it. I won't lie, I love it. We spent just about four months there while he finished his undergrad - and I would live there in a heart beat.
I myself am Canadian and accent-less (from my own point of view anyways).

Being a student I suppose I should get some work done. I hope this blog is enjoyed as I enjoy the blogs I read

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